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2025-03-14 15:00
Aston Villa (u21) vs Liverpool (u21)

2025-03-17 15:00
Wolverhampton (u21) vs Reading (u21)

Matches between teams
Half time result0 2
Unknown (31')
Sackey Tyler (33')
(77') Broggio Ben
Sackey Tyler (78')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025
Summary match factsAll team matches 1Aston Villa (u21) wins 0Reading (u21) wins 1Draw matches 0
Last 10 team matches
2025-03-08 Stoke City (u21) 1 1 Aston Villa (u21) +
Half time result0 1
Taylor Kane (16')
(82') Tezgel Emre
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-28 Aston Villa (u21) 1 2 Everton (u21) +
Half time result0 0
(48') Pierre Kyrie
Unknown (57')
Sherif Martin (59')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-23 Brighton (u21) 1 1 Aston Villa (u21) +
Half time result1 0
(16') Tasker Charlie
Rowe Triston (87')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-17 Crystal Palace (u21) 3 0 Aston Villa (u21) +
Half time result2 0
(11') Ola-adebomi Ademola-
(45') Reid Dylan
(73') Ola-adebomi Ademola-
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-07 Aston Villa (u21) 1 3 Reading (u21) +
Half time result0 2
Unknown (31')
Sackey Tyler (33')
(77') Broggio Ben
Sackey Tyler (78')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-27 Aston Villa (u21) 3 3 Fulham (u21) +
Half time result3 2
(8') Jimoh Jamaldeen
(23') Jimoh Jamaldeen
Loupalo-bi Aaron- (33')
Works Terrell (36')
(37') Burrowes Bradley
De Jesus Brad (90')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-18 Manchester Utd (u21) 2 1 Aston Villa (u21) +
Half time result1 0
(24') Mather Sam
Burrowes Bradley (52')
(65') Mather Sam
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-14 Aston Villa (u21) 1 3 Bradford +
Half time result1 3
Kavanagh Calum (9')
Shepherd Jack (15')
(24') Pierre Kyrie
Johnson Callum (26')
(57') Taylor Kane
competition: England - Football League Trophy 2024/2025 2024-12-17 Blackpool 1 1
Aston Villa (u21) + Half time result0 0
Result after penalty17 18
(4') Finnigan Ryan
(17') Rhodes Jordan
Smith Kerr (17')
(46') Embleton Elliot
(63') Bondo Terry
Jimoh Jamaldeen (78')
(121') Rhodes Jordan
Taylor Kane (121')
Alcock Todd (122')
(123') Fletcher Ashley
Lynch Luka (124')
(124') Ballard Dominic
(125') Ashworth Zac
Smith Kerr (125')
Swinkels Sil (126')
(126') Unknown
(127') Norburn Oliver
Cotcher Mason (127')
Unknown (128')
Patterson Travis (129')
(129') Gabriel Jordan
Rowe Triston (130')
(130') Unknown
(130') Richardson Jack
Zych Oliwier (131')
(131') O'donnell Richard
Taylor Kane (132')
(132') Rhodes Jordan
Alcock Todd (133')
(133') Morgan Albie
Borland Aidan (134')
Lynch Luka (135')
(135') Ballard Dominic
(135') Fletcher Ashley
(136') Unknown
Smith Kerr (136')
(137') Coulson Hayden
Swinkels Sil (137')
Cotcher Mason (138')
(139') Norburn Oliver
Hemmings George (139')
competition: England - Football League Trophy 2024/2025 2024-12-14 Aston Villa (u21) 0 4 Wolverhampton (u21) +
Half time result0 1
Holman Fletcher (40')
Holman Fletcher (51')
Reynolds Fabian (72')
(82') Lynch Luka
Barnett Ty (90')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 Team form
2025-02-24 Reading (u21) 0 3 West Ham (u21) +
Half time result0 0
Ajala Joshua (49')
Moore Sean (64')
Simon-swyer Kamarai- (90')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-17 Sunderland (u21) 1 2 Reading (u21) +
Half time result0 1
Okine-peters Jeremiah- (30')
Akande Adrian (48')
(74') Jones Jaydon
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-02-07 Aston Villa (u21) 1 3 Reading (u21) +
Half time result0 2
Unknown (31')
Sackey Tyler (33')
(77') Broggio Ben
Sackey Tyler (78')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-27 Reading (u21) 1 5 Stoke City (u21) +
Half time result0 3
Tezgel Emre (9')
Tezgel Emre (25')
Vidigal Andre (34')
Vidigal Andre (55')
(79') Okine-peters Jeremiah-
Tezgel Emre (90')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-17 Reading (u21) 0 1 Derby (u21) +
Half time result0 0
Gill Tristan (83')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2025-01-13 Chelsea (u21) 3 0 Reading (u21) +
Half time result2 0
(24') Morgan Jimmy
(41') Mcneilly Donnell
(89') Russell-denny Reiss-alexander-
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2024-12-16 West Brom (u21) 3 1 Reading (u21) +
Half time result2 1
(14') Williams Alexander
(35') Bostock Oliver
Wellens Charlie (38')
(55') Crowther Matthew
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2024-11-30 Reading (u21) 1 1 Liverpool (u21) +
Half time result1 1
(2') Davidson Josh
Figueroa Keyrol (43')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2024-11-01 Reading (u21) 1 0 Blackburn (u23) +
Half time result0 0
(50') Sackey Tyler
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 2024-10-25 Tottenham (u21) 1 4 Reading (u21) +
Half time result1 0
(45') Williams Jaden
Okine-peters Jeremiah- (54')
Okine-peters Jeremiah- (81')
Okine-peters Jeremiah- (86')
(90') Dorrington Alfie
Okine-peters Jeremiah- (90')
competition: England - Premier League 2 2024/2025 Team form
Statistics facts of last 10 matches
Number of Aston Villa (u21) wins
Number of Aston Villa (u21) draws
Number of Aston Villa (u21) loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
80 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
100 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
74 min.
Time without conceded goal
8 min.
Number of Reading (u21) wins
Number of Reading (u21) draws
Number of Reading (u21) loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
70 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
90 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
132 min.
Time without conceded goal
0 min.
Team standings
England - Premier League 2 2024/2025
England - Premier League 2 2024/2025
Bet statistics